Making and eating meals together requires a while. Regular family dinners are worth the effort when possible. Family lunches are ideal occasions to reconnect, converse, and catch up. This is vital for busy older kids and teenagers. Watching you eat can teach your child a lot about food, eating, and family traditions. Eating with the family teaches younger … [Read more...]
4 Important Things To Consider When Choosing A Family Home
If you have kids or are planning to have kids in the near future, it could be important to factor in their needs when choosing a home. Some properties are likely to be more family-friendly than others. Below are just 4 important factors to consider when choosing a family home. Space Space is one of the most important factors to consider. You should consider your … [Read more...]
Being There For Your Kids Is About More Than Just Providing The Basics
As a parent it’s important to make sure that you are there for your kids. This is always going to be about more than just handling the basic aspects of development. Here are some of the other steps that you should take. Show Up Every Time One of the most important things that you can do for your kids is show up for them. You have got to show up every single time. You … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Give Your Child the Best Start in Life
Parenting is notoriously hard. From the moment of conception, you hold a tiny life in your hands and it is up to you to keep it safe and healthy. You’ll have to deal with sleepless nights, temper tantrums, injuries, heartbreaks, and much more throughout the course of your child’s early years. And everything you do or say makes a difference. Your parenting style will help to … [Read more...]
Divorce Without a Prenup: Here’s How to Protect Your Assets
Couples often struggle to hold their marriage together and ultimately find divorce provides the best option. Marriages breakdown for many reasons, whether it be an affair, falling out of love, or even an addiction issue. For example, pornography addiction and marriage don't always go hand in hand, even though some couples make it work, many end up divorcing. Along with the … [Read more...]