With urbanization constantly expanding, our gardens are becoming more and more crucial in the overall efforts to support biodiversity and sustainability. For our own comfort we often take more from the environment than we give back, but that doesn't always have to be the case. Green gardening is not as difficult as you might think. Though you may have to cut back on a … [Read more...]
3 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
It’s become increasingly common for people to be concerned about their impact on the environment. After all, we all live on earth, it makes sense that we all do our bit to keep it in good condition, even if the average person can’t have a massive impact on climate change. If you’re interested in reducing your carbon footprint, you will find the following tips helpful. You … [Read more...]
Everything You Need To Know About Green Gas
A lot of businesses and homeowners are switching to green gas. Green business and home gas mean using renewable resources, including the likes of wind energy, biomass energy, and solar energy, amongst others. Not only is this better for the environment, but it is better for your bank balance too, as it means you are less reliant on non-renewable energy sources, which are far … [Read more...]
Effective Ways To Reduce Your Home’s CO2 Footprint
What's more important - the environment or your comfort? It's a direct trade-off for many people because lowering your carbon footprint means making changes to a lifestyle you love. Considering your home should be your cozy castle, it's easy to see why you don't take your home's CO2 emissions seriously. However, the planet is everyone's, and we should leave it in a … [Read more...]
Uncomfortable Truths: Is Your Home Damaging the Environment?
Deep down we all want to live in a healthy, environmentally friendly society, right? Sadly, many of us continue to do the same old things that are causing the world significant problems, and many of them stem from the way we lead our lives at home. There are several reasons why this situation occurs. Firstly, it's due to bad habits. We're just used to acting in a specific … [Read more...]
Be Inspired, Keep California Beautiful and Recycle!
I guess I became more conscious of the status of the environment when I became a mom. That is because I started thinking what can be the there for my daughter when she grows up. From then on, I made a conscious effort in any way I can to do something I can to help the environment. The effort became more pronounced when we move here in San Jose. It is a good thing though we were … [Read more...]