Being a stay-at-home mother or father can often look like a comfortable position to be in from the outside. In reality, though, with all of the running back and forth, teaching, cleaning, cooking, and other jobs you will have to do, you may as well be working in a full-time job. That is, of course, until the kids go to school. At this point, you will have loads of time … [Read more...]
PG&E and Division of Boating and Waterways Warn of Cold Water Hazards during Spring Snowmelt
California's Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) encourage water enthusiasts to take extra precautions this spring when in or near rivers. These relatively full waterways will continue to rise as snow melts and will be dangerously cold. Simple actions such as knowing the water (is it too cold or swift), knowing your limits, … [Read more...]
How to Create an Environment for Your Children to Thrive
Raising children has always been a bit fraught with changing ideas of best parental practice and what children need to grow up well. But recently, it seems that everyone and his dog has an opinion and you are doing it all wrong. Aside from being a completely and utterly rude thing to say. Suggesting that there is a right way to parent and a wrong way is a bit misguided. … [Read more...]
Should You Care For Your Parents If You’re Too Busy Being One Yourself?
Life is too busy now. It doesn't take a genius to see this! But for those people who have big families, or are trying to cope with the pressures of parenting while also working at the same time, it can feel like there is no break. And for those of a certain age, the act of parenting and working, while also being dealt the blow that their parents are ill, can feel like one … [Read more...]
Calling All Moms! Here’s How You Can Eliminate those Bad Driving Habits
When you are out and about in the car, there is a high chance that you have seen drivers who have absolutely no consideration for the road. They are the type of people who would ignore traffic cones even though they know they serve an important purpose. Anyone who has the time to click here will see it is practically impossible to miss these reflective cones! You may also see … [Read more...]
Adages About Parenting All Prospective Parents Need To Get Ready For
Given how many people are parents, it's no surprise that parenting is subject to a huge number of adages, ideas, and popular wisdom. Parenting is quite unlike anything else in the world, and that means there's a huge amount of room for the establishment of common trends and thoughts. If you are about to make the journey into parenthood for yourself, you have probably been … [Read more...]
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