Yay! I've been dying to go out and have a pedicure for the past month my old nail polish is chipping off and my big toes are the only ones left with it. Since I don't drive yet, it was just yesterday that I was able to do it. Thanks to my dear friend come church sister, Monette who took us (me and Ceana) out, took care of Ceana and helped me realize my "desire". As not many … [Read more...]
Flowers For Me!
Valentine's Day has ended, well actually it has been more than a week, (and pretty soon it will be March!) so I wonder how was everyone's Valentine celebration? Well I do hope that with a date or not, you were all happy.If you are with someone, I hope you guys did something special together; and if you're single, I hope you had the desire to do something about it! Maybe you … [Read more...]
Stay At Home Mom
I am a stay at home mom for almost three years now and so far I am still enjoying it. There are a lot of times that I wish I can go back to working mode, and that is during those times when I want something bad to buy and the family's budget is just enough for our basic needs. I do not have any remorse with this choice because the time I spend away from the corporate world is … [Read more...]
Some Inspirations for Home Decoration
Here I am again dreaming of designing a new home. It has became a hobby of mine to browse over Pinterest and other websites and look at home decorating tips. If you have browsed interior decorating websites or looked through one magazine after the other, then you might also wonder how do they come up with such great design ideas. And have you ever wondered how the pros do … [Read more...]
Surviving Cold, Cough and Fever
I haven't been around the blogging world last week. I was plagued by cough and colds and also fever. It was during the Superbowl weekend when it all started. Saturday night after our church service, I wasn't feeling so well, and so we stopped by CVS before heading home and bought a chest decongestant . I was coughing the whole night and developed the fever. The next morning, my … [Read more...]
Some Inspiring Home Designs and Roto-Rooter
Before I start, let me warn you that this post is picture-heavy. Lately, I have been browsing and busying myself looking at different home designs online especially over at Pinterest. That is also not to mention that my favorite channel is HGTV! I just love the make-over shows featuring the before and after scenes after a renovation was done. I have been actually dreaming of … [Read more...]