This blog post is in partnership with Nakturnal! All opinions are my own, may contain affiliate links.
It is difficult to be a mom. This is a fact. No one went through motherhood in a breeze. But you will all agree with me that despite the grueling demands of motherhood, in itself are rewards which are indispensable, not comparable to any fine jewelry or any other riches in the world.

In the middle of the chaos, I know it can be tough sometimes to get things done-deciding in the middle of jobs and careers (well as for me I chose to stay at home for the meantime to take care of my second daughter). There are days when I forget about myself, being consumed with the baby and all house chores, errands, name it. You turn from a career diva to a domestic maven.
So here I am in an attempt to share some tips on how to survive and keep your sanity alongside motherhood, especially for new moms. There is actually no formula and believe me, YOU ARE ENOUGH! Do not ever think that others are better than you.
Whether you are killing it or struggling, I encourage you to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF because no one else can and will. Being able to set aside some time for yourself could do you the world of good, especially if you have had a hard time as of late. During this time, you will be able to find methods that can help you to feel better in no time. This could range from giving yourself some “me” time, or deciding to try something like this oil, that can be found at places similar to every day optimal cbd, to help relieve any hard-hitting emotions that you are experiencing. But the options that you can try are limitless. Here are a few more suggestions for self love and care to add into your daily routine.

8 ways to practice self love and care everyday (Taken from
- Practice gratitude. Start your day by saying 5 things you are grateful for, perhaps even before you get out of bed. Write down at least 3. Each day your brain retains a pattern to look for the positive.
- Speak more loving words about/towards yourself. Look in the mirror and say 3 things you love about yourself, physically and/or mentally. You yourself deserve your love and affection just as much as anybody else.
- Take steps to become more confident. If you don’t feel good about a part of yourself then there’s no shame in taking steps to correct this. For example, a lot of people don’t like smiling because of their crooked teeth so if they were to visit and get some aligners to straighten their teeth, they would feel much more confident in themselves. This would allow them to smile more, love themselves more and spread joy!
- Exercise. Get in some kind of movement for your body and your brain everyday, be it running, lifting, cycling, playing tag with your kids, or walking the dog. Take care of yourself with movement, so you will have energy to keep taking care of yourself and others as well.
- Get outdoors more. Fresh air can help give you an energy boost and Vitamin D helps boost your mood. Take a little walk outside to clear your head, it can help when you’re feeling anxious.

- Put down your electronics and unplug for an hour every day. There is so much happening on the Internet and social media these days, and it is exciting and engaging. But it is also very addicting, so it’s important to turn it off and unplug for a while. Focus and do something else. Read a book, chat in person or call a loved one, draw, go for a walk outside, and spend time with the amazing people in your life.
- Spend time alone. Journal. Take a walk. Take a bath. Meditate. Why not even try a different kind of me-time with WinkWinkSexToys, or something similar to destress. Whatever it is, give yourself those few minutes of YOU time.
- Drink more water. This may seem like a simple task, but most of us don’t drink enough water. Water is life. Take a water bottle to work that you have to refill, track how many glasses, and just drink more. Bonus: drinking more means you’ll have to get up to go to the bathroom more, a great way to make sure you are getting up from your desk regularly.
Self-love isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity in today’s society. So, start implementing some of the practices above and most of all, have compassion with yourself when you fall short. Then simply brush yourself off and get back into it again
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