Most children have experienced difficulty sleeping, especially when they’re younger. And when your child is having difficulty sleeping, you can guarantee you will too. It can take a while to settle your child into a sleep routine, so when problems rear their head, it’s natural to want to find a quick solution. If your child is experiencing sudden sleep issues, it’s time to … [Read more...]
Fast Track to Success: Giving Your Kid an Early Edge in School
No need for books and after-school classes just yet; nor are we looking to turn your toddler into the next Einstein overnight! Here is an informative, fun guide on how you can give your offspring an edge early in their educational race! Fostering an Interest in Learning Before your mind fills with visions of leading trigonometry classes with your toddler, let us be clear: … [Read more...]
How to Ensure Kids LOVE Exercise: A Guide for Teachers & Parents
Believe it or not, only one in three children are receiving the recommended amount of exercise on a daily basis. So, it is no great surprise that the western world is currently in the midst of an obesity epidemic. Exercise can help to promote physical health, to enhance self-confidence and it can even represent a means to develop long-term friendships. The only issue here is … [Read more...]
10 Reasons Summer Activities Are Great For Kids (And Parents Too!)
When you were a child, you used to look forward to the summer vacation. School was out for summer, and you could spend all day biking around with friends, playing in the park, or going on adventures as long as you were home before sunset. But, now you’re a parent, the summer vacation doesn’t have the same magic as it once did. Rather than forget about all the worries of the … [Read more...]
Make Moving House With Kids Less Stressful
Divorce. Death. Poor health. Moving House. That is pretty much the top four most stressful things in life right there. Moving residence is the apparent dark horse, but packing up your entire life and practically starting over once again somewhere else is likely to be difficult. What’s more, moving house is something you have to manage in between, well, life as normal, perhaps … [Read more...]