Slight nuisances such as bloating, mood swings, and mild cramps are expected during the menstrual cycle. After all, your uterus is shedding its thick lining. Menstrual cramps occur when the body increases the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which causes the uterus to contract. The pain can also be attributed to the fact that the uterine walls and muscles are momentarily deprived of oxygen. However, excruciating pain during menstruation is not normal and could signify a severe underlying issue. This article will discuss other serious reasons for painful periods and cramps.
Pelvic inflammatory disease
The pelvic inflammatory disease results from an untreated sexually transmitted infection and affects the female reproductive tract. Common symptoms of PID include scarring, inflammation, painful cramps, and infertility in severe cases. Unfortunately, antibiotics can only treat the condition but cannot undo any structural damage to your reproductive tract.
Cervical stenosis
In layman’s language, cervical stenosis is also known as the closed cervix. In this condition, the opening of the cervix, also known as the os, becomes unusually narrow or completely closed. Some women are born with this condition, while others develop a closed cervix at some point.
Structural anomalies of the uterus
In a typical female fetus, the uterus develops from the Mullerian ducts. It is not rare to come across a fetus with a defective uterus while still in the womb. Some examples of uterus anomalies include a septate uterus, uterus didelphys, a bicornuate uterus, and a unicornuate uterus. Children born with such defects might be prone to painful period cramps, pain during intercourse, and infertility.
Research reveals that one out of four women develop fibroids at some point. If you suspect you have fibroids, it would be best to seek a specialist’s opinion near you. For instance, if you are in New York, you could visit a fibroid specialist nyc for a proper diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan. Well, you might not experience any other symptoms apart from abnormally heavy and prolonged bleeding with excruciating period cramps. Again, speak to a specialist to help in diagnosis and treatment.
Unlike endometriosis, where the endometrial tissue is discovered outside the uterus, adenomyosis causes uterine tissue to embed itself deep within the uterine muscles. The uterus behaves the same way a bruised muscle would, causing painful periods and pain during intercourse. Adenomyosis is common in women over 30 years old who have already gone through childbirth.
The leading cause of severe period pain among women worldwide is endometriosis. In this condition, the tissue that comprises the uterine walls is found outside the uterus in the bladder, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and pelvic floor. The endometrium-like tissue could be found in the brain, bowels, lungs, and liver in more severe cases.
Final remarks
The dilapidating pain, heavy bleeding, and chronic fatigue can significantly reduce the quality of your life and prevent you from forming meaningful relationships. Some effective home remedies for period pain include placing a heating pad on your belly or incorporating dietary supplements such as magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. Ensure you speak to a specialist to help find out if there are any reasons why you might be experiencing chronic pain during your period.