We often talk about how much life has changed since we were children, but if you think about human existence thousands, even millions of years ago, the development of the human race is nothing short of mind-blowing. This fascinating infographic provides an outline of the most important and impactful events in our history.
It seems incredible to think that man once lived in caves and relied on hunting and gathering to survive. A million years ago, we discovered fire, and through the ages, early man started to put noises and sounds together to form a primitive language known as monogenesis. Today, there are more than 5,000 different languages spoken in the world.
Having hunted for thousands of years, humans turned their attention to agriculture around 15,000 years ago, and this is an industry that remains vital to our survival.
One of the most fascinating developments in our history is the expansion of knowledge and the creation and discovery of ideas related to science, mathematics and astronomy. Our modern-day calendar is based on early theories, and our children learn about the construction of the Great Pyramid, Pythagoras’ theorem and Isaac Newton’s laws of gravity in school.
In more recent times, the Industrial Revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries contributed to the birth of several different industries, paving the way for countries to generate wealth, and for employment opportunities to soar. Machine-based manufacturing increased efficiency and productivity, and it undoubtedly fostered an interest in technology and innovation.
Technology has advanced at lightning speed, and today, we find ourselves in a different era: the digital age. When you think about just how far we’ve come, it’s impossible not to wonder what the world will look like thousands of years from now.

Infographic Produced By Norwich University