Yay! I've been dying to go out and have a pedicure for the past month my old nail polish is chipping off and my big toes are the only ones left with it. Since I don't drive yet, it was just yesterday that I was able to do it. Thanks to my dear friend come church sister, Monette who took us (me and Ceana) out, took care of Ceana and helped me realize my "desire". As not many … [Read more...]
Just Sharing | Nail Vanity
Thought I would share one of my favorite girly activities. As a mom, I admit that due to the rigorous demands of motherhood, just like any other moms out there (especially stay at home moms like me) I sometimes forget about my personal needs, it is not really neglecting my own but merely prioritizing my daughter's. As for my experience, I sometimes may not be able to … [Read more...]