Choosing the right college fund for your child can be a daunting task, what with the numerous different types of college savings accounts each with its own set of stipulations. However, you can save yourself the dilemma by asking yourself some few simple questions. Ask yourself questions like how much money is available to you from your tight budget for making this saving?, how … [Read more...]
The Alarming Impact of Media on Children
How to Teach Your Children all about Animals
Teaching your child about conservation is a great way to get them interested about animals. But why is it important to promote wildlife preservation around young ones? So they grow up as socially responsible human beings who can appreciate and care for animals. With so many wild creatures at the brink of extinction, their generation will play a large role in ensuring many … [Read more...]
Rolling Walkers for Senior Citizens
When my grandmother was still alive, I remember her using walkers to be able to move around the house. She was very old already so even if she didn't want to use them, she didn't really have any choice. At least she was still walking albeit with the help of a mobility device. I know how important it was for her to feel that she can still be independent and that she … [Read more...]
What Kind of Top Mom Am I?
If you are a Nuffnanger and have some ads running in your blog, then you might want to check it now to see the current ad. Actually is is one run by Top Moms and along with it is a survey to define what kind of a Top Mom you are. I took the challenge and after answering seven (7) questions here is the result : You are a Discerning Top Mom! The definition (from the site): You … [Read more...]
It’s a Big World by renee and jeremy
My daughter has been addicted to this video lately. Whenever I will play it in youtube, she stops whatever she is doing and watches. She doesn't blink,haha And I just want to share it with you : As a parent I also like the video. It comes with a very simple but colorful animation that will capture the attention of a child (my daughter for is an example). The music/song is … [Read more...]
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