Being mortgage-free is a goal for many homeowners, taking away a huge household expense and leaving them with a property that is 100% solely theirs. But is being mortgage-free as good as we all think it will be? Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons. Prospective homeowners may wish to use this navy federal loan calculator alongside this article when compiling their … [Read more...]
The Every Woman’s Guide To Simple Property Investment
Investing in your family's finances in the lucrative field of property doesn't have to be complicated, in fact with a little preparation and care it can be a relatively easy experience. Something that most folks will be glad to know, as it can help ensure they have enough money for when their kids want to go to college, buy their first car, or get their first apartment. With … [Read more...]
Teach Children to Save
You don’t have to wait until your kids are teenagers. You can start talking to them about the basics of money as early as preschool. Here are some tips about how to talk to your kids about money at any age: From ages three to five you can teach kids that money can be exchanged for things. Explain to them the difference between pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. From … [Read more...]
Make Your Voice Count and Earn with Survey Spot
As a stay at home mom, I want as much as possible to help augment the family's finances by contributing even as little income as I can thru blogging. Stashing a little money away from my husband's paycheck is great, but it takes away from our monthly essentials like groceries, gas, and utilities.As a matter of fact, I am actually looking for better ways to earn another side … [Read more...]
Do I Need Employment Resources?
To Stay At Home or to be Employed? This is the question that has been debating in my mind over the past weeks. I am currently stay at home and quite enjoying it. Aside from some blogging gigs I get from this blog, I don't have any other source of income. This question popped when my husband's car broke down and we needed to get a new one, which means it is going to be … [Read more...]
Enter : $1000 Cash Kickin' the Winter Blues Giveaway
Welcome to the Kickin The Winter Blues Giveaway Hosted by Jenn's Blah Blah Blog and Pink Ninja Media One of my main goals this year is to save money or at least keep some in my savings account. I have made an auto deduct request of $25 from my checking account to go to my savings every 15th of the month and that is to just have something as little which I am saving each … [Read more...]