Most families struggle with their finances at some point, making it more challenging for them to make ends meet. The trick here is to avoid these situations where possible. You need to be responsible, but you also want to be able to enjoy your life. This post runs through some of the issues that families face and how to overcome them. Here are the main … [Read more...]
Home-Based Money Opportunities to Start Today
Working from home has so many advantages for you as a busy mom. Not only can you spend more time with your children, but you can also choose from a wider range of careers that you can carry out from home. Even if you’re not looking to change your career completely; you’re simply looking for a way to make a little bit of extra money, there are so many ways to make money from the … [Read more...]
The Definitive Guide To Getting Out Of Debt
Whether you have thousands of pounds of debt, are dealing with a payday loan, or have more credit cards than you can remember applying for, the odds are you want to get out of debt. You'll need to be proactive and solution-oriented, as well as ready to stick it out for the long haul, to get back into the black. Getting out of debt won't happen fast, but if you follow this plan, … [Read more...]
5 Ideas Every Mompreneur Should Be Thinking About Right Now
Whether you're already a successful Mompreneur or you're just now considering developing alternative sources of income, here are the top 5 alternative revenue stream generators that you must start thinking about. (and that no one is talking about). We've already looked at Modern Business Ideas, now we'll expand a little more. COMMUNITY DRIVEN SOLUTIONS … [Read more...]
Top Residential Property Maintenance Tips You Must Know As A Landlord
Residential real estate investment is a widespread outlet where many property investors pump their monies due to its profitability, stability, and other factors. These properties are mostly rentals, which the US Census Bureau estimated to be 22.5 million in 2015. Regular maintenance is an essential part of being a residential rental property owner, and as such, you should know … [Read more...]
Using Prepaid Cards To Build Credit
A prepaid credit card is a card that works via an individual topping up its balance prior to using it. There are many prepaid credit cards available today and they are popular for a whole host of reasons. In particular, they are available to anyone; even those with bad credit, and via the acquisition of a prepaid credit card you can actually start and build your credit rating … [Read more...]