It’s a place of mystery to most men, but the handbag is one of the most important items a woman can carry.
Since the arrival of the Tote handbags have been getting bigger and louder. However the contents of bags is getting more bizarre. We tend to throw stuff in and it lingers at the bottom never to be remembered. From car parking tickets to nappies and all that is in between maybe it’s time we had a clear out and filled our bags with the ultimate day to night survival kit but before you read on check out our brilliant competition to win a new handbag.
For most women the make up bag is a strong feature of the handbag. Most men will roll their eyes at the ‘bag within a bag’ situation here, but ensuring your have your full arson of cosmetology supplies is vital to ensure you are prepared for any situation. Dry shampoo, a hair brush, face wipes, lipstick and foundation should all be at the ready. Luckily, the age of bad packaging is over. Nowadays, wholesale cosmetic products can be packaged in efficient packaging so you know where to find it straight away. Companies such as Impacked Packaging aim to make choosing packaging options for wholesale cosmetics businesses an easier experience – which overall makes it easier to pack your necessities. A quick brush over your eyebrows and a fresh lip, gives us the badass look we need to take on anything. Throw in a sample size perfume too so you can spritz up before heading out.
Regardless of whether or not you have children a pack of wet wipes will become your saviour. Arming yourself with tissues as well as pocket size pack of wet wipes means you can be there to comfort a friend, clean up spilt coffee or remove a stain from a colleagues tie.
Your mobile phone is your lifeline to staying in contact socially or in an emergency, so having a charging pack in the bottom of your bag means you never have to worry about being on 10% again. You’ll also be the saviour amongst your friends when they realise they can use you as their personal charging hotspot when you are out shopping or having a drink!
A good book. It’s inevitable at some point we’ll have to wait for something. Either picking up the kids or stuck on a train. Instead of draining the battery on your personal technology, get back to basics and bury yourself in a good book. Great for making you look mysterious and intelligent but also perfect to lose yourself in when you are forced to stop.
Whatever the time of year it is having an umbrella to hand is never going to be a waste of space. We’ve all been there, walking home when the sky opens and no one, no matter who they are, enjoys getting wet. Pop yours out and instantly find yourself huddled up with your friends. Dry, warm and added brownie points for sharing the wealth.
Lastly, and probably most important, cash. Not your card. Not what is already in your wallet. You need a little emergency supply tucked into a secret spot in your bag. Better in change, this secret stash will become your saviour in emergencies or, if you are a little short before payday, will give you a night out with friends and a bit of a happiness boost!
Your bag is your survival pack. Make the most of it.