A lot of people think that giving to charity is just for the rich or for creating good feelings around the holidays. However, if you look around your community, you’ll see that there are people you meet every day who need help in one way or another. You may think that you don’t have the time or money to help others; these days, not many people do. But there are simple things that take little time, money or effort, but the may make someone’s day. Here are some little ways that you can give back to your community, even if it’s only to help one or two people.
Common Courtesy
These days it seems that everyday politeness is lost. Either people are too busy or lack of common courtesy is so lacking that people don’t even realize it’s gone. You’d be surprised at the effect a smile or kind word can have on someone else; it will even improve your own mood. Saying “Thank you” or helping someone in difficulty doesn’t require much time or effort, and it may be the first kind word or deed they’ve experienced all day.
Pitching In
If you think about the time you waste on activities that really do nothing but fill a void or add to your stress level, you’ll realize that you have more spare time than you think you do. Instead of obsessively checking your phone, take a look around you. There are many opportunities throughout the day to ptich in and help someone in need. Whether you choose one day a week to read to local school children or take 30 minutes to help a stranded motorist or rake your elderly neighbor’s leaves, it’s worth the effort. You may even have someone pay it forward to you when you least expect it and need it the most.
It’s not just individuals and non-profits who are giving back to the community. Corporations like Palmco realize that the ROI they receive in return for giving time or money to their local area also pays dividends by fostering brand loyalty and building trust among their current and future employees and customers. For more information on ways you can help, there are many local and national charities and religious organizations who are always looking for people who want to be more involved in their efforts.