* This is a sponsored post with Mums the Word Network and Doctor on Demand. All opinions are my own.
We all know that this season isn't the best time for our health. There's a measles outbreak aside from the normal flu season. During these times, I can't help but be worried as a mom for the health of my family. Even if I take on every precautionary measure on how to secure my family's welfare, the truth is that sickness is inevitable.
Ever had those episodes when going to the doctor is a bit of a hassle-when you feel sick, too weak to get out of bed, dress up and drive. Or sometimes, the issue of expensive insurance co-payments hinders us from going to consulatation. Not to worry, a new service is now available, in the most convenient place for us-in the comforts of our own home!
Doctor On Demand is the newest health care service which provides Video Visits to patients in the comforts of their own home. Board certified physicians, psychologists, and lactation consultants offer online conferences via smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.
Doctor On Demand is free to register with (the app is free to download). Patients just simply need to download the Doctor On Demand app on a smartphone or tablet or visit www.doctorondemand.com on a desktop computer or laptop.
It is relatively easy to start with Doctor On Demand, registration is a breeze and once done you will be asked to enter more information specifically the symptoms you are experiencing (patient will provide a list of symptoms). After putting in more information about yourself or the patient, you will be asked to perform a system test to make sure that the connection, camera, mic and sound are in perfect condition before the start of any consulation in order tyo maximize the time with your doctor.
You will then be instantly connected to a provider licensed to your state for a video visit (you actually have the option to do audio only if you don't feel comfortable to use the camera).
I was able to try out the service and consulted my daughter's mild case of eczema. I met Dr. Pavel Polehna and he did provide some good pointers on how I can take care of my daughter's skin, aside from that, he willingly answered a few questions I had and he opened some possible options I have in the future should the case of my daughter gets worse. That is having allergy tests to check out the possible allergens that causes the breakouts.
The Verdict :
I felt comfortable and at ease knowing that the person on the other end is a real doctor, a medical professional and knowledgeable of his field. Aside from that I think that the conference is so cool, since technology can already pave the way to make a bridge in medical consultation and treatment. And in cases of non-life threatening circumstances Doctor On Demand is very accessible and convenient tool to get to a medical practitioner without getting out of the house and wait for hours in a clinic.
Great News!
Doctor On Demand is launching a promotion offering everyone's first video visit for FREE, use the code : charmed15
To take advantage of this free online consultation, you can enter your code upon registration, store it in your account, and use it at a later date.
For more information visit the Doctor On Demand website http://www.doctorondemand.com/ or download the iOS app / android app.
For questions you can visit the Doctor On Demand FAQs ( https://patient.doctorondemand.com/#/account/faqs).
* This is a sponsored post with Mums the Word Network and Doctor on Demand. All opinions are my own.
There is a health provider in my state that offers video calling between the patient and doctor. With all of these technology advancements, I'm curious to see how doctors are going to keep up with the demand! Do you think that apps like this could potentially cut down on wait times in hospitals and such? The health care industry is just fascinating to me right now. So many changes!
I think this is a good option for people to try out, there are actually some insurance companies who already accept this form of consultation. For me this works especially for non life threatening situations saves gas, time and is very convenient.
that's nice that people don't have to make a trip to hospitals! i'm lucky my mom is a doctor- on demand ha! =)
Holy cow! Technology continues to blow my mind every.single.day. Thanks for sharing!
I was just talking to some friends about this last week. We didn't totally understand how it works. So glad you posted this. Our insurance offers something similar but I haven't tried it yet. It does seem to much easier than waiting at a clinic, especially if it's something like the flu.
This is such a great app especially for when you can't get in to see someone.