You may have a false sense of security when it comes to car insurance. There are several things that people commonly believe are covered by their car insurance policy is simply not covered. My friend found out the hard way when a hail storm smashed his windscreen, and he had to call in a company like Hail Specialists, because Hail Specialists repairs hail dents on aluminum and steel panels and that was the only way he was able to restore his car back to normal! He made a claim that was rejected by his insurance provider. He had to pay for the replacement himself and is now looking into Car Covers that will help protect his car from damage when it’s sat unused in the driveway. The following are three of the most popular misconceptions about car insurance.
Personal items in your car are covered
In the case of vandalism, when your car is broken into and a personal item is taken, your insurance will not cover it. Many people find out about this when their car is stolen. There will often be personal items in the trunk or glove compartment that were taken when the car was stolen. You will not be reimbursed for this. A car stereo that is attached to the car will be covered. There are no car insurance policies available to cover the theft of personal items, so the lesson is to not store items of value in your car.
The insurance follows the car – with one exception
When a driver has his or her car insured, this insurance follows the car, whether it be a cheap car insurance policy or otherwise. In other words, if you let a friend or relative borrow the car, the car is insured for that driver. However, there is a very important exception to this. If the friend or relative is living with you, there is no coverage. This means if you have a son or daughter living with you, they must be added to the policy. In fact, blood relationship makes no difference. If someone is living with you, they must be added to the policy, or there is no coverage for that driver. The reason insurance companies have this rule is to protect themselves from customers insuring high risk drivers in their household for lower rates. However, it might not cover you if you decide to use car shippers while moving house or traveling. You need to search for property insurance or auto shipping insurance to ensure that your car is protected while sending your car to a different state or overseas.
Insurance companies can discriminate
Insurance companies are allowed to vary their premiums according to a person’s credit score as well as a person’s age, gender and whether you are married. Exactly what a company is allowed to do is dependent upon a state’s laws. Another factor is how long you have been a driver. This usually means lower rates for older drivers and higher rates for younger drivers.
Always look at the specifics of your policy, and contact your insurance agent, if you have any questions. It is important to know what your insurance covers before you need to use it. You should also ask these same questions when requesting auto insurance quotes.