Well, yeah, In just need to share this photo. I love the way I look here-my hair, my lip gloss, my smile and my earrings-I think they all blended well together. This photo could have been perfect only if my husband’s not on the phone and posed for the camera instead. This was taken by one of our close friends during my godson’s birthday party at Cataldi Park.
Honestly, I wanted to crop it and make it my Facebook profile photo, lol but then it will not look normal as some parts of my husband’s head will still appear even if cropped.
It may be trivial but this picture made me realize a few things about us, our love and our marriage. Just like the photo, our marriage is not perfect, it is a work in progress. Though there may be times when I don’t like what I see, that doesn’t mean, it all stops there.
My husband and I are really different in so many things, yet these differences complement us in so many ways possible. While I love reading, he falls asleep in reading EVEN just a paragraph. He is outgoing and would prefer outdoor activities while I am a homebody and can last days without going out of the house. I am more of the conservative type while his views are modern, (which is why I’m sure he would love me to use a thrusting dildo from time to time, in order to spice up our sex life – but that’s just not me). We grew up in two diverse backgrounds, I belong to a more traditional family while he came from a diverse unconventional set up.
Having said these, our personalities were molded by our experiences and the environment where we grew up. We have so many differences yet this defines how we complement eachother. There are a LOT of things that we don’t agree on and sometimes discuss on but in the midst of these disagreements, there’s one thing that neutralizes us, OUR LOVE and FAITH. (I know he loves me even if I don’t fit in any of those sexy women’s corsets, or even if don’t have that hourglass figure).
The Bible is very clear about the things a husband and wife should follow in order to have a healthy marriage. Let me share these things that I have learned in one of our Bible Study sessions :
“But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God .” 1 Corinthians 11:3 (ESV)
- I honor and respect my husband as the head of our family. He has the final say after we have discussed a certain issue or matter. But more importantly, we both place God first before eachother and always make Him come between us. In our prayers, we constantly ask Him to be in the middle of our relationship and every decision-making.
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” Ephesians 5:25 (ESV)
- Well I can say that one of my insecurities after having a baby is my weight, I guess most women will agree with me that it is hard to go back in shape after delivery. My husband (though sometimes brutal) encourages me to remain healthy, not for aesthetic purposes but for health reasons. He continually says that he will love me no matter what form I may be in. I obviously want him to be attracted to me though, which is why I’ve been thinking about visiting somewhere like True Pheromones to get myself a new perfume that he won’t be able to resist!
- Love in this case is defined more than the physical attributes but goes deeper. I can say that I love him more now than before for person that he has become because of having Christ in his life. If a person values his wife just like how Christ values the church then he can never go wrong.
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:22 (ESV)
- Submission is defined as ” submitting to the power of another”, this is pretty much related to the first verse. Though we don’t want to think women as the weaker sex, it is imperative that wives should not decide on her own anymore. Wives should accept the fact that like submitting ourselves to God’s power, we are also governed by the power of our spouses. That from the day of marriage you are no longer two but one under God’s rule.
There is more yet to learn as we both are cruising our way into married life. But I tell you ladies, moms and girls out there, Marriage is not easy…it is never going to be easy.
In those times when things are going to be tough, just remember two things, LOVE and FAITH. Love for your spouse, which is like love for your second self and faith in God, for sure there will be no storm that you can’t surpass…
Beautiful photo Icar and wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this 🙂
thank you for sharing those scriptures! 😉
Being a submissive wife in todays society goes against everything the WORLD pushes on women. However, in my experience allowing family to run in the way God dictates works much better than that of the world.