When you become a mom, life changes in ways you would never guess before you have children. Yes, you’re in love with your new baby, and as soon as she enters your life, you can’t imagine life without her.
However, adapting to a new baby isn’t without its hurdles. If your breastfeeding, especially in the beginning, you may feel like you’re on call 24/7 because infants take so long to feed, and they feed so frequently. You may not be getting enough sleep, and fatigue can make you grumpy despite the love you have for your new baby.

If you’re a first time mom struggling through those first few months, make time for yourself. Here are some strategies to do that (even when you feel like you have no time to yourself).
1. Sleep when the baby sleeps. If the baby is napping from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., take a nap, too. I know, you want to do the dishes and vacuum the living room. Trust me, those chores will still be waiting for you. Right now you need sleep. In a few months, you can go back to a regular cleaning routine.
2. Unwind on the computer. Take a few minutes when baby is sleeping to check Facebook or read your favorite blogs. You can even visit Gala Bingo and play a few games to unwind.
3. Take advantage of help when it’s offered. If your aunt offers to come over and do your laundry or clean your house, let her. You need all the help you can get right now.

4. Make sure to go outside every day. Most babies love to go for walks. Take the baby out for a walk; she’ll likely sit quietly and enjoy the scenery, and you’ll get fresh air, exercise, and time to yourself (with your baby).
5. Join mom groups. Nothing is worse than staying home all day, every day. Once the baby has settled into a regular routine, join a mom’s group or a baby exercise class so you can connect with other people going through the same experiences you are.
Remember, the first few months with a baby can be joyous as well as exhausting. Thankfully, baby will soon settle into a routine, and you’ll be able to carve out a bit more time for yourself.