Smokin' Hot $700 Shopilly Holiday Cash Giveaway
Welcome to the Smokin' Hot $700 Shopilly Giveaway sponsored byLike a Bump on a Blog, with considerable help from the lovely Lexie Lane at VoiceBoks and Bridget at Giveaway Promote. Enjoy the post provided by our generous sponsor, Shopilly, to learn more about them, and then enter via our Rafflecopter entry at the end.
This is what your Shopilly Dashboard looks like. Email is a little like TV. Every day we get tons of emails from our favorite brands, retailers and flash sites. We love getting all of that information and having so many choices. It's nearly impossible to sort through the clutter to find emails we really care about, and we have to select and delete almost all of the marketing emails, always wondering whether we should opt out or stick around. There's a DVR for email! It’s called Shopilly. By signing up for a free account, you can ask Shopilly to automatically pull all of the marketing emails from your email inbox and put them in a fun "visual inbox" in your Shopilly account, where you can review them.
Shopilly is like an organizing my email inbox but it’s more than that. On Shopilly, you can also opt in to view offers from other brands. The way they’re presented makes it really easy to check out options and to add or remove offers from window shop. Improve your shopping life at Shopilly today and tell us what you think at [email protected].
If you're ready to enter the giveaway and make your holiday shopping even sweeter, you may do so below now (All entries must be completed to be eligible)! a Rafflecopter giveaway Good luck and happy winning! 😉 Feature images courtesy of Shopilly. **Post syndicated with permission, and the original can be found here: Smokin' Hot $700 Shopilly Holiday Cash Giveaway.***
I'd buy new tires for my hubby's truck!
Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (