Excited for the coming Holidays? Win lots of free stuff for all ages in this Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway. My Charmed Mom has teamed up with R'Jay's Freebies to bring you this :

Product Details are disclosed in Holiday Gift Guide
1 winner will be chosen for each Prize
(More prizes will be added till Dec. 1st)
1-Momentum Juppy
1-$25.00 gift certificate www.dalidecals.com
1-DVD Copy-Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables
1-DVD/CD: A Rainy Day
1- Who Loves Me? Personalized Book
1 -Your Choice Sound Doll Smooch or Sniffles
5 winners- 1 American Fast Food Discount Card
2 winners win- 1 $10 Genghis Grill
5 winners win-1 Noxicare Natural Pain Reliever 1.5oz and Noxicare t-shirt
1- Full Size (24 fl oz) Bottle of Bubble Delight Frosted Avon-Gingerbread Bubble
1- Zipz Shoes custom made pair of shoes exclusively though Rjay's Freebies
1- Cook'n Recipe Organizer
1- Toe Juice Combo Package
This giveaway is being hosted by Rjays Freebies. 17 fans will win each of the above prizes. This is open to U.S. residents only. This giveaway is active 11/16- 12/24. The sponsors are solely responsible for shipment. The winner must submit address on widget or will forfeit prize. Due to this giveaway not ending till Christmas eve winners may not be contacted till after the 1st of the year.