When we're asked what will be our number one concern, chances are most of us will reply-health and safety of our family, especially our children. Our home is our sanctuary, the place where we feel safe and secured. If you are a parent. at odds end you will always want your family to be safe.
Keeping a well lighted home is number one on the list. If you are an intruder, you wouldn't choose homes that are well lit making your presence visible, right? Keeping the special areas of the house in quality light will detour potential trespassers. Home alarm is the next on the list. With the onset of security alarms made of co2 cartridges, these personal alarm systems are now affordable yet more advanced. The availability of more effective and newer alarm systems offer more sophisticated protection and response time becomes faster especially those that use refillable gas cylinders in their safety and security applications.
"Don't talk to strangers" should still be enforced with our children. Though we want them to be as sociable as possible, we don't want the risk of divulging important information that may jeopardize their (and the whole family's) safety after all. We should try to keep our personal information private in the event of travels and out of town activities. We should not leave a clue that no one is at home so as not to attract probable invaders. Lastly, in the chance of an unexpected event, an emergency plan is needed. This should be discussed with the whole family pre-existent of an incident, the plan should include emergency numbers to call and people to contact and where to go to get help if needed.
What about you? Do you have any tips in securing our homes?
We have a big dog. While he is really a big ole lap puppy, he goes a long way to ward off unwanted people. He SOUNDS terrifying if you arrive and mommy or daddy doesn't okay you!
I soooo need a big dog!!
In out home we try to mix up what we do. Sometime we park outside and sometime don't. We have our alley in the back of the house so sometimes we park in the back. We also make sure everything is secure when we are not at home.
We've been kicking around the idea of an alarm system for a while. Thanks for sharing this info.
Great tips thank you, One thing we do is no matter what if we are not home no one even if they are a family friend comes in to the house. Since most Predators are those that we know and trust.
We also have a dog, but I do all these tips in addition to my Shepard. I pitty the fool how enters our home. Thank you for these tips, they are very important.
We were looking at getting a security system! Thanks!
These are great ideas. We should secure our home more, honestly.
UGH! I worry about home security all the time! I wish I could afford monitoring! Our city is very safe, but I know that no one is 100% safe. We keep our doors locked and our neighbors keep an eye out for us as we do for them.