2011 started with a blast on our expenses, I delivered via C-section (no need to tell you how much it cost us!) and as they all say “the expenses came one after the other after the baby came”.
Thanks to breastfeeding (and I really mean it!) because we were able to save a lot as compared to using formula, instead the budget was allocated for other needs like diaper, vaccines, monthly check ups, vitamins, baby’s other needs-clothing, her food (fruits, cookies, water) etc. I’ve hired a househelp until May until she left and I did not bother to get another one after her because it gave me so much headache and stress. I am a full time (stay at home) mom, so in short I really don’t have any source of income until I started blogging in August. I got paid for some posts I wrote but this is not a regular one (YET-I hope it will be soon). Aside from that, I engaged in some buy and sell transactions of Victoria’s Secret products which came from a friend’s Balikbayan Box (this is also to help her out liquidate the good for her family’s needs) but then again this is seasonal.
Part of the monthly remittance I received from my husband goes out to food and contribution to the house needs as we are living with my parents.
Aside from the things mentioned above, we also spent for Ceana’s Christening way back in April and now we are preparing for her First Birthday In January. So I guess when everything’s done we will be able to save up a little bit more by next year. I hope to be able to look for additional sources of income and more paid posts to do.
Hope we”ll all have a prosperous year next year!
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here's to a prosperous year next year, sis + loads of income opportunities for our blogs!
returning your GT visit ^_^
I feel you sis. It really is expensive to feed, clothe and take care of the baby. There will be better times ahead naman. =)